?What is the genetic test for predicting the risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer
The breast and ovarian cancers are the most common hereditary cancers in women. In cases of hereditary cancers, accumulation of predisposing mutations can cause cancer. Describing the process of formation of a mass or tumor is not easy but in general, in a complex genetic process, one might inherit the faulty gene from one of her parents. In the case of breast or ovarian cancer, a carrier of these faulty genes is usually in greater risk comparing her brothers or sisters (who have inherited normal genes from parents). Researches show that two genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2 play the most important role in the development of these cancers, but the role of BRCA1 is much more important. In some cases, mutations can happening one or both genes and the chance of inheriting these genes is likely to fifty percent for children. Women with a faulty BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene are at the risk of developing breast cancer up to 85% till their eighties. An inherited condition of this cancer can happen in young women. These high-risk families are facing with a great chance of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Address:Breast clinic: Ghaem International Hospital, Shahid Eftekhari Boulevard, Rasht, Iran, Tel.: +981333564488 |